Back when I was unaware of my celiac disease I was one of those women who ate like an olympic swimmer without gaining weight. In college I ate this thing called a Harolds Chicken Shack Half (as in half a chicken) which was two drumsticks and two thighs batter dipped, deep fried and smothered in hot sauce and barbecue sauce and placed over a mound of greasy fries and two slices of wonder bread.

I ate the entire thing, by myself, three times a week, without gaining weight. And no one thought it was weird…just lucky.

So once I actually started digesting my food I noticed that despite reducing my calorie intake rather drastically I was gaining weight.

Which is how I discovered calorie free noodles.

Calorie free noodles are awesome. You buy them floating in water in a plastic bag. When you want to use them, you drain the water, warm them gently in sauce and eat as you would any other noodle. Except that they have 5 calories per bag. I live just outside Chicago, so I have access to asian markets where I can get Shirakiku Yam Noodles for $2 a bag.

Note that you ONLY want the yam noodles, They sell kelp ones too, but they are crunchy and not flexible. They do not work with pasta sauces.

However if you don’t live in an enormous city with a large asian immigrant population, the company Nooodles sells yam noodles in regular specialty grocers. They are in the Whole Foods system, so you can request them at your store.

Check out their website here

And enjoy!