Month: July 2012

Why You Don’t Need (or even want) Dairy

Sunday’s New York Times had an interesting take on the debate around eating dairy. The author felt that it was simply unnecessary and for many of us, uncomfortable. I think I may love this man. There is a lot of peer pressure to eat dairy and when a parent seems to be voluntarily removing it from their child’s diet there can be a lot of grief from friends and relatives. We fielded questions like “where will he get calcium?” and “why are you denying him ice cream” or “are you sure he can’t have any?” And I had lab work showing that dairy was a problem. I can only imagine what other parents go through. There are mammals who eat meat and eggs. There are mammals who eat plants. There are mammals who eat grains. No mammals besides humans consume milk of any kind past infancy. None. Your child does NOT need dairy…really. If it makes you feel any better about your decision, the data in The China Study indicate that milk consumption is linked to higher incidences of heart disease and cancer. And that research is not isolated. If you don’t have time to read the book, you can check out the link to Forks Over Knives on Hulu on my earlier post. So today I am just sharing his thoughts which, if nothing else, point out...

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The Nocebo Effect

You know about the placebo effect, but have you heard of the Nocebo effect? That is when the doctor tells you that a situation is hopeless and in the immortal words of Morpheus from The Matrix, “your mind makes it real”. Free your mind. I am not advocating for being utterly delusional. If you have a tumor the size of a baseball and you get winded on your way to get the mail and you have no plans to change your diet of soda and doughnuts then yes, it would be wise to get your affairs in order. But if you are willing to change, then the possibility of a different result, no matter how daunting the odds, does exist. So does the possibility of a cure. Years ago I worked with a man who had been diagnosed a decade earlier with an inoperable brain tumor. His doctor thought he was going to die. He decided that he would live. His boss supported him by making no arrangements for his death or even disability. No one was cross trained. No work was handed off. His entire “support” group of others with brain tumors died. But he did not die. Improbably his tumor went away and he was cancer free and in excellent health when I met him over a decade later. When I was in grammar school I had...

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Easy Nutty Trail Mix Recipe

Today it is supposed to be over 100 degrees…again. So once again we are featuring recipes that require no use of the oven whatsoever. They also require minimal shopping. You can get all of the ingredients for this recipe at Trader Joe’s. Unlike my nut-free version this one contains nuts. Lots of different kinds of nuts. So it is inappropriate for anyone dealing with nut allergies. It is however, colorful, tasty and of course gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, nightshade-free, peanut-free and of course free of eggs, fish and shellfish (my mental picture of a trail mix containing eggs and shellfish is rather unfortunate). I like trail mix as a snack because it is easy, nutrient dense, shelf stable and portable. It is a staple of road trips. The high fat and fiber content means that you don’t need to eat much to get full. Ingredients 1 cup banana chips 1 cup dried sweetened cranberries 2 cups unsalted almonds (preferably raw and organic) 1 cup salted roasted cashews 1 cup salted shelled pistachios Equipment 1 one gallon zipper plastic bag Instructions Crumble the banana chips until they are about peanut sized pieces Put all ingredients in a 1 gallon plastic bag or similar siized jar Shake to...

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Can MSG Cause Brain Damage or Make You Fat and Diabetic?

People often express sympathy about our condition. When I tell them that we cannot eat most chips or at most fast food restaurants they feel that it must be awful to be unable to just grab something like that. Actually, its not. Its a gift. Because if you felt as horrible as I do when you ate junk food, you would probably give it up too. Which brings me to the MSG. One of the additives that we end up avoiding by virtue of avoiding processed food is MSG. If you are trying to lose weight I have three suggestions for you 1) Do not start a food blog where you will be required to taste test desserts on a daily basis. 2) Do not drink soda or processed fruit juice 3) Avoid MSG like the plague. Now MSG which goes by many other names and is commonly found in organic and gluten-free processed foods. It is an excitoxin like aspartate and it has long been suspected of causing brain damage in primates. However these studies are not conclusive and the area appears to be poorly researched. They are old studies and I found no newer ones that focused on MSG alone. So there is not much evidence that MSG rots your brain unless you apply it topically to the brain, which you probably were not...

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Gluten-Free Soy-Free Dairy-Free Citrus-Free Elegant Shrimp Salad

Yup it is still broiling hot in Chicagoland. 101 F today. Still not planning to use my oven if I don’t have to. I am pretty sure I can just cook food on the driveway. Assuming it doesn’t melt. The driveway that is. TodaY we are going shrimp salad with no citrus. This dish can be done two ways. If you cook, peel, and devein your own shrimp it takes some time. If you use frozen precooked, prepeeled, deveined shrimp, its a ten minute no pot, no oven, no microwave meal. It is truly faster than getting takeout. And healthier. My favorite kind. Ingredients Either 1 lb shrimp either raw with veins and still in the shell. I used 20 t0 25 count shrimp or about 2 cups frozen shrimp, precooked, deveined and needing only to be thawed. 1 cup chopped celery 3/4 cup minced onion 1/2 c mayo (use Hain’s safflower to avoid soy oil) 1 tb Old Bay Seasoning (yes, unless they changed it, it is gluten-free) up to 1/4 c shrimp stock or water (omit if you are planning to put the salad on buns…it will make it soggy) Dark greens (mesclun, spinach or baby romaine) Equipment Paring knife and cutting board Measuring cups and spoons Large bowl Instructions The following steps are only necessary if you are working with raw shrimp. If you are not...

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