I have some stuff elsewhere on this site about getting tested, but the technology is always changing and this is so new that its not even available for another few weeks

The free “Now That You Know, Where Do You Go?” webinar will tell you what to do with the information learned during The Gluten Summit about gluten-related disorders. More specifically, it will answer such questions as:

What tests should I take to see if I have a disorder?
How do I convince my doctor to order the tests?
Could it be gluten? Or dairy? Or another food triggering symptoms?
When should I take the tests?
How do I get them?
How do I interpret the results?
What if my results come back positive for a gluten-related disorder?
What testing options are available outside of the U.S.?

In this seminar Dr. Tom O’Bryan of theDr.com will cover the step-by-step instructions for as many paths to diagnosis as possible. If you have been wondering how to get diagnosed, this seminar is designed to help you out.

I will be watching myself and plan to report out on what I learn, but then you would be getting my filter on things and this way you can hear for yourself what your options are as they relate to testing.

DATES: January 30 – February 2, 2014
TIME: Begins January 30,10:00 A.M. U.S. EST, available 24/7 through February 2
LENGTH: 90 minute audio with video

You don’t want to miss this FREE, online event available
from January 30 – February 2!
